Ch Spellman's Marauder
PKC#A184861 | Bitch
Foundation Stock |
PKC Conformation Points 11/10

Ch Spellman of the Sea
PKC#A184860 | Dog
Foundation Stock |
PKC Conformation Points 13/10

Spellman's Dancing in Moonlight
PKC#A187327 | Bitch
Foundation Stock |
PKC Conformation Points 2/10

Spellman's On My Own
PKC#A187328 | Dog
Foundation Stock |
PKC Conformation Points 4/10

Spellman's So Weird
PKC#A187326 | Bitch
Sire: Spellman of the Sea "Captain"|Dam: Spellman's Marauder "Padfoot"
PKC Conformation Points 2/10