The King at Sohma
PKC#A185231 | Tom
Foundation Stock | hexed by Alexzander @ Snaefell
PKC Conformation Points 4/10

Unfortunate Cursed Sohma
PKC#A185233 | Tom
Foundation Stock | hexed by Alexzander @ Snaefell
PKC Conformation Points 4/10

Sohma's Funny Boy
PKC#A185231 | Tom
Foundation Stock |
PKC Conformation Points 4/10

Sohma's Delicious Riceball
PKC#A185234 | Queen
Foundation Stock | hexed by Alexzander @ Snaefell
PKC Conformation Points 5/10

Sohma's Bread Maker
PKC#A185203 | Queen
Foundation Stock |
PKC Conformation Points 6/10

Ch Sohma's Moo Moo Stubs
PKC#A185232 | Queen
Foundation Stock | hexed by Alexzander @ Snaefell
PKC Conformation Points 10/10

The Prodigal Son at Sohma
PKC#A187052 | Tom
Sire: Unfortunate Cursed Sohma "Kyo"|Dam: Sohma's Delicious Riceball "Tohru"
hexed by Alexzander @ Snaefell
PKC Conformation Points 8/10

Snaefell Fatal Attraction
PKC#A186971 | Queen
Sire: RW Ch Snaefell Faithful to the End "Lumpy"|Dam: BW GCh Snaefell Pick Your Poison "Belladonna"
hexed by Alexzander @ Snaefell
PKC Conformation Points 2/10